
Colorado Smoke Outlook

Wednesday, July 3, 2024, 2:25 PM MDT

The Oak Ridge Fire is burning near the Pueblo/Custer County line, approximately 3 miles northwest of Beulah. Smoke impacts remain minimal due to higher humidity levels and occasional rain. Drier weather will be possible later this week, so any increase in smoke impacts will be reported here as conditions continue to evolve.

Light to moderate concentrations of smoke are also possible near small wildfires and prescribed burns around the state.

What if there is a wildfire or smoke in your area?
The focus of the Colorado Smoke Outlook is on large fires (e.g., greater than 100 acres in size). Nevertheless, smoke from smaller fires, prescribed fires, and/or smoke from new fires not yet known to CDPHE air quality meteorologists may cause locally heavy smoke. If there is smoke in your neighborhood, see the public health recommendations below.

Public health recommendations for areas affected by smoke:
If smoke is thick or becomes thick in your neighborhood you may want to remain indoors. This is especially true for those with heart disease, respiratory illnesses, the very young, and the elderly. Consider limiting outdoor activity when moderate to heavy smoke is present. Consider relocating temporarily if smoke is present indoors and is making you ill. To temporarily relocate to an area with better air quality, consider using this map ( to identify the best area closest to you. IF VISIBILITY IS LESS THAN 5 MILES IN SMOKE IN YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD, SMOKE HAS REACHED LEVELS THAT ARE UNHEALTHY.

For additional smoke monitor data and analysis visit: AirNow Sensor Data Pilot (